Replaying this Week

Denise McNab
Lori Spagna
Sage Kingsley-Goddard
Karen Curry

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Interview with Karen Curry
Topic: Human Design the Science of Discovering Who You Really Are!
My first business meeting after your class was wonderful! I applied the strategies that you taught me to a very difficult client. What started out to be a very uncomfortable situation, now looks like one of the largest accounts that I have worked in three years. I also see a difference in the way that I relate to my children. We have always been very close, however, after a difficult separation from their father things have been strained. After the first week of returning from my human design reading, I have already seen a shift toward our close loving relationship. ~ K.H., North Carolina


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I am so happy to have taken the Human Design Specialist training! Not only do I LOVE doing Human Design readings because it helps my clients understand themselves better and see how special, unique and beautiful they are, but it has also more than doubled my monthly income. My clients are so happy with their new insights that they refer all their friends to me! What an incredible feeling of abundance and satisfaction, knowing that I am being financially prosperous while fulfilling my life purpose doing something fun! ~ Dumari Dancoes, Nashua, NH
You provided a tremendous amount of tangible & resourceful information. The first day I felt like it might be yet another course which I received info but would need to pay for and invest more time in additional training. However you provided us with enough knowledge to utilize these tools immediately. This was powerful. Again, I cannot stress enough how valuable the resources and material you provided are. Each person in the class could actually leave the class and start in the next day with what you provided!

I was especially impressed with the abundance of tangible info on marketing. You gave so many specific ideas and take-aways. You spoke with an excellent balance of information from your heart, from your many years of experience and from your research. The integrity of your words was clearly evident.

Again Karen, thanks for sharing yourself. You illuminate the planet with such radiance, love and unique light!!!  ~ Karen H.
Interview with Sage Kingsley-Goddard
Topic: Channeled Wisdom from Archangel Michael on Pleasure, Happiness, Joy-True Abundance!
Voted #1 Law of Attraction Program On Earth! (or Worldwide)
Sage’s abundance programs are amazing! I highly recommend ALL her programs. Her abundance audios are awesome and her 40-day Prosperity Consciousness immersion in A3 moved abundance energy for me FAST! I DOUBLED MY PERSONAL SAVINGS ACCOUNT -- and then some.  ~ Alexia Schlueter


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Due to popular demand, Sage has graciously extended this special bonus! Even though the 15 bonus spots have been filled. If you are seeing these words, you are guaranteed to get your name on Sage's angel altar and receive the special angelic prayers and Reiki! Sage can only do this for a few more people so if you would like this bonus, you are just in time.
92% off!
Money, money, money - I'm having my best months in YEARS - this month $15,000 and next month already earning $10,000! Money miracle - I did the "Debs & Doubts Releasing Box" exercise on Day 27 and did the Sage version of putting it in an envelope and under bathroom sink. Within 12 hours I got an email I was getting paid back-pay from a company I worked for that had gone out of business, so I was not expecting to get any money from them. My debt was $5812 and the payment coming to me is $5276. Very Cool - Yahoo - money rains down on me everywhere I go! I also love that, since starting this program, I had a dream about my life purpose and I am now super clear about my mission on Planet Earth. Wow! ~ Paul Theobold
Sage is an amazing business and abundance coach and the midwife to my "rebirth"The biggest breakthrough for me has been the opening – and expansion! - of my soulwork therapy business. Since I’ve been working withSage and Archangel Michael, money energy started to come to me miraculously!
My income went in 2 months from 150 to 2600! I went through my GOLDEN PORTAL! And all kinds of opportunities started to manifest.
More clients. More money. Even more publicity!My right livelihood income increased in 1 month by a factor of 11 times more, and the second month, 17 times more income! Sage has served to remind me to go from fear and doubt to remembering my LIGHT, my DIVINITY and fulfilling my PURPOSE on Earth.It feels fantastic to be prospering while doing what I LOVE and reaching more clients! Thank you so much, Sage and Archangel Michael!  ~ LOVE,PRISCILLA YAP, KOTA KINABALU, MALAYS
Interview with Lori Spagna
Topic: Awakening, Ascension & Transformation
Hi Lori. Thank you for having us, the experience was amazing. I too felt the changes the very next morning when I woke up. Almost as if the thoughts just bounced off me and corrected themselves, My cousin experienced the same feeling. Love and Light ~ Lisa


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That was an amazing session! I want to give you some initial feedback. The pain that I was feeling in my lower back had disappeared when the reading was over. Dewey and I went for a walk, and he was so darn’ frisky, I could not believe it! Obviously, he’s not only feeling better physically, but mentally too! Thank You, Lori! Incredible, immediate results for sure! Love to and blessings to you. ~ Carol and Dewey
I loved the Manifestation Circle. I learned new tools to bring my intentions and dreams into reality. I felt the energy shift in my body as we did The Theta Healing. I felt so many wonderful sensations. I felt very connected to the power of Divine Energy.  ~ Moira Letzer
Interview with Denise McNab
Topic: Experience the miracle of healing through Pure Love Infusion
Wow I felt chills and energy moving its amazing I feel so much lighter. Thank you blessings to you both! ~ MJ


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Oh, MY GOD! I saw the red color and as soon as I put my hand on the heart side, started to release the pain on my left shoulder and on my back and started crying like a little girl! Thank you! Blessings ~ Vania
Thank you so much Eram and Denise! The question about decisions that we regret gave me a real ah ha moment of clarity! Yikes! My response surprised me!! Wonderful call- smiling from ear to ear! Bless you both!! ~ Jamie
Interview with Tom Paladino
Topic: The scalar energy pathogenic cleanse now disassembles over 10,000 species of pathogens
Dear Tom, I have the photos of my foot fungus. I wanted you to see the improvement and almost completely gone pictures from just 3 weeks of Scalar. Thank you so much as I have been suffering daily for over 19 years with this itchy fungus that made holes between my toes. God Bless you to spread this good news of remote scalar healing all over the world!
P.S.This fungus is like athletes foot but worse, called I think Hollie rot; on my ankles, side of feet and all of sole; it's itchy and terrible, oozing clear liquids, nothing helped for 19 years.
 ~ Thank you, Susan Wolding
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Dear Tom, My family and I have been receiving scalar energy treatments for one month. This is our progress which I am extremely happy with:
My daughter has suffered with cold sores for many years, since treatment started a cold sore began one day and disappeared the next without any ointment. She could not believe it herself.
My son He also suffered with cold sores, but for the last month he has not had any. He also has a dry cough for part of the year which doctors call a type of asthma; For the last month I have not heard him coughing at all and he has been playing a lot of sports out in the night air, which usually start the coughing. Myself. .. I have seen some very significant changes...
1) A cluster of warts that I have had on my right hand have almost disappeared
2) My mouth feels 100 times fresher
3) I sleep better and awake more refreshed and also I need less sleep My husband feels the same benefits with regard to sleep and mouth freshness. I have gladly paid for next month treatments and I know and believe that scalar energy is of a major health benefit to myself and all of my family. I would advise anybody who cares for their health to do this. Tom does all the work and you reap all the benefits.
We as a family are very grateful for your work. ~ M.G Sligo, Ireland
I have suffered from Herpes for 35 years, and the last 5 years the virus would be active 3 to 4 weeks out of every 2 months with 3 to 4 recurrences, keeping me with flu like symptoms, and run down energetically for weeks on end. This time not only am I completely done with the break within 6 days, the long term upper respiratory cold with constant sneezing is now also gone. And my energy level is back... this is after 6 weeks of having no energy, and only 2 weeks on the scalar energy program!!
Interview with Rikka Zimmerman
Topic: Guidance From Your Highest Self
“I feel like my whole body has been reprogrammed! The chronic health issues that I have suffered from for years have subsided. I'm crying tears of gratitude for this miraculous shift in my body and being! ~ Louise D. Michigan
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My mind and my heart are now finding a way to cooperate, the monkey mind that has run my existence for as long as I can remember has finally been quelled ~ Charlie C., New Mexico
Everything can be an adventure instead of what everyone says it has to be ~ Lily W, New York
Interview with Jarrad Hewett
Topic: Infinite Abundance
“It immediately felt like all receptors open and ready for take off… exquisite....blissful...lovely...peaceful...
 ~ Karen
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10 mins after my first listen, a client called and booked 3 sessions with me! ~ Caroline
I realized I had fear of the responsibility money brings, I was not confident I could handle money on my own. Definitely agree that money allows us to express ourselves. I am welcoming abundance ~ Christina
I wake up and listen with headphones every morning. Something in me craves this track and I look forward to it as the way to start my day… this track calms any stress or anxiety I may have. Thank you so much, Jarrad! ~ Mary Ellen
I felt such a peaceful safe space to let go in. The waves were so divine. They sounded like cosmic waves. So perfect! So beautiful! ~ Nichole many synchronicities floating in as I experienced this energy journey. So much peace and calmness with the release. I cried many tears of release! ~ Dianne
Interview with Raquel Spencer [REPEAT BROADCAST]
Topic: Living In Divine Flow - How To Become Fully Aligned with Your Higher Self.
You truly are a wonderful master and conductor of the energy that is intense yet lovingly flows with ease and grace. What a gracious and empowering gift you have shared. Thank you! ~ Ali
84% off!
For anyone who has not yet experienced Raquel, her work is absolutely Unique and Always facilitates the highest level of transformation available at this time! It WILL ROCK you beyond what you can imagine. ~ Eva
Raquel, Thursday was the first time I participated in your energy tune-up. I just wanted to say thank you for facilitating... it was a very powerful experience for me personally ...I knew that something had changed within my energy center. I felt lighter, more open. I look forward to working with you again soon. Thanks for all you do to help us on this journey. ~ Blanche
Interview with Brent Phillips [REPEAT BROADCAST]
Topic: Awakening Dynamics: The Formula for Miracles
“After four healing sessions with Brent, My Parkinson's slowly going away
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After our private session...I received my statement from JP Morgan with $10,00 more than the previous month...I received a check for $13,325!
Interview with Howard Martin
Topic: The HeartMath Solution
“ Howard Martin is one of those men in the world who has been given the gift of communication. That is to say, he has the ability to be crystal clear. If you ever have a chance to hear Howard Martin speak, by all means, do so. He’s funny, he’s warm, he’s clear, and you will walk away with more insight and information than you’ve had in a very long time. ~ Chantal Westerman, Executive Producer, ABC’s Good Morning America
71% off!
Howard Martin is a dynamic, compelling speaker with a vital message about the role of the heart in transforming our lives and the world. His authenticity, care and extraordinary ability to inform and inspire leaves you feeling like you’ve just experienced something very special that you will remember forever. ~ Marci Shimoff, Author New York Times Best Seller, Happy for No Reason, featured teacher in The Secret
Howard Martin has inspired thousands of people around the world to gain better control of their lives. His work is paramount in helping people change their health, increase their mental edge, alter the internal chemistry of their stress response, realize their spiritual connection by opening their heart and unfold into a more enriched destiny. His eloquent presentations are simple, light- hearted, inspirational, scientifically valid, and most importantly, they work. Howard is the living example of the natural balance between head and heart. ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza, featured speaker in What the BLEEP Do We Know, author Evolve Your Brain
Interview with Maddy Schafer
Topic: The Power of Interdimensional Collective Consciousness
“ I am a big fan of Maddy/Ensyth's work:) I have experienced both a one on one private session with her, and her classes on Crystals. Both were a true blessing. So much to say, but In the private session I had experienced a deep remembering of my divine self that is with me forevermore, and what I learned in her Crystal classes prepared me well for some deeper work I have done since then. Sending much love, deep gratitude and appreciation!  ~ Kat
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Hello, thank you, again for taking my call. The eyes seem to be more clear! The neck released some and if it releases some more I will let you know ... ~ Ruth
Yes absolutely! I crave for unity! hahahah Thank you, I feel some kind of new freedom, no more polarity and separation! Bless you ~ Kelly
I am feeling very drawn to this interview, very emotional about it. It has not started and yet I am feeling kind of like I miss home and want to cry. I am glad I stumbled upon this event. Thank you for being here. I will be listening! ~ Michelle
What an Amazing Call! Only Pearls of Wisdom, love and knowledge. THANK YOU BOTH!!!!  ~ Joana
I can't thank you enough for having Maddy and Ensyth on your show. I feel that this is one of the best guests speakers that I have ever heard! I feel so totally connected, inside and out at the same time. I feel where the magic is, and how to get there finally!!! What I really loved about it was how simple and quick it was to be in that space; her meditation was to the point. I finally feel safe, loved and the brilliance of God in my being! ~ Julie
I approached Maddy to get some clarity around abundance in my life - issues of time/money/joy. In her gentle, insightful way we explored some of the blockages I had subconsciously set up for myself. I was able to come to a point of acceptance that I could be happy with my current situation while having a wider vision of where I wanted to be both in my work and home life. Amazingly, within 2 weeks of our session I was offered a dream job which brought that vision into stark reality. I am grateful to Maddy for gently unfolding my thinking so I could create a more abundant reality in my thoughts and actions ~ Linda Kerkmeester, landscape architect
My journey with Maddy began when my life force was disintegrated from many life traumas and my energy body was full of gaps and fissures. Over several years of (intermittent) healing and transformational work with Maddy, ensyth and Reiki I now feel my energy body is integrated, healthy and powerful (in a good way) which has impacted positively on every area of my existence here on earth ~ Bruce Roberts, musician
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Interview with Rhonda Rule
Topic: Disconnect from the Matrix of Efforting to align with the Miraculous YOU of Super Human abilities!
Wow this energy is powerful, tingling all over. The ceiling burst and I feel so relieved and could feel the abundance pouring in. So awesome. Thank you once again. Love & gratitude. ~ Josiane
Rhonda, Your mp3's are powerful, my body has been singing with joy on listening to your mp3's ~ Josiane
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Eram, thank you so much for bringing these amazing healers! It is so exciting to meet these life changing brilliant people! Rhonda makes me smile inside and out! :) What an uplifting energy she is and has!! ... Rhonda is amazing!!!! I need to get my light shining again... ~ Jamie
I actually got shivers when she was doing the clearing for Jeannette. I really resonated with that one, so awesome. Thank you Rhonda. You are amazing. ~ Kelly
WoW! Amazing, I felt that shift as well! I'm enjoying the call and the insights being delivered too! ~ Steven
Wow I feel amazing a lot of tears and right on with Jeanette I felt the same way wow love love love thank you Xxoo ~ MJ
During that process I was Bawling and sobbing with relief and release. I usually don't bother with live calls but I am glad I was here ~ Janice
I love her energy. I am so grateful she used the term 'punish' because I've been punishing myself with poor health and finances....THANK YOU ~ JAN
OMG! I am connecting to everything you are talking about....I am learning to find my joy as I awaken....Enjoyed this call so much xox ~ Incoming
The energy I was able to clear magnetized significant financial gains and opened my heart and mind to receive mega abundance! ~ Deborah Stewart
Explosion of financial gains ~ Giaramirez-combs
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Interview with Debbie Fumanti [REPEAT BROADCAST]
Topic: Energetically Aligning Into Love - Learn How to start magnetizing love into your life soul contracts and much more!
“ Debbie, your ideas and advice have been invaluable to me. I can't tell you how much you have made a HUGE difference to me in so many areas of my life! ~ Kimberely J
85% off!
I love Debbie and I know you will too! Her work is always so creative, individualized and real-life practical! ~ Michael S.
Debbie your reading was right on accurate! Kudos, and thank you we have taken your advice and are now changing things as you suggested, everything is working better, from our relationship to our money! ~ Lois and David E
Interview with Anne Deidre [REPEAT BROADCAST]
Topic: Your Intuitive Life Makeover-Ignite Your Intuitive Wealth
“ I've had the goose bumps several times during this call. I've personally worked with Anne and she has been such a blessing in my life. And so have you with your teleconference Eram!! ~ Cheryl from Michigan
83% off!
I highly recommend Anne Deidre’s new book, Extreme Intuitive Makeover, to anyone on a path of personal growth. I was inspired by Anne’s insights. She speaks and writes about Truth of the highest order. Her 55 keys designed to assist you on your Life Path, along with some potent practical exercises are certain to bring you results. Don’t miss this opportunity to greatly enrich your life. ~ Peter Calhoun
The insights that Anne channeled were nothing short of astounding, and the entire experience uplifting and heart opening. As strange as it sounds to me as I write it, I have found a new lightness in my being. Forgiveness – the place to begin to resolve so many of our self-induced limitations. I would recommend Anne to anyone wanting to clear their chakras and find new openness, understanding and peace. ~ Evelyn, Nashua, New Hampshire
Interview with Julie Renee
Topic: Quantum Mind Training
“Before working with Julie Renee I was feeling tired, burnt out and older than my years. After just one session, I felt clearer and more focused in my thinking. ~ Cary Peters
85% off!
I’ve had the extreme pleasure of working with Julie Renee. She has helped me heal. When she says “100% Healthy”, she isn’t kidding. I got immediate results. I’m experiencing better health, I feel happier and more alive than I have in years and using her wealth program I have more prospects, more clients and more money ~ Jill Lublin, Best Selling Author of Guerrilla Publicity and Founder of
It’s rare to meet someone so gifted and clear about who they are and what they are here to do on the planet. She’s bringing a unique body of work to the world that is an important contribution to humanity. ~ Marci Shimoff, As seen in The Secret and Author of four New York Times Best Selling Books
Interview with Lynn Waldrop [REPEAT BROADCAST]
Topic: Take a Dive into Health - Using Frequencies to resolve ALL ailments of the body permanently
“I felt that I had lost at least 10 lbs after this session! I looked in the mirror and felt great and my work clothes were loose. Even a week after the session, my legs still look great and everyone is noticing and my upper thighs are down another 1/2 inch! I have always had pain on the outside of my legs when I touch them lightly and there is very little pain anymore. ~ Carrie T., Pittsburgh, PA
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When Lynn dove into my body I was mildly interested to see what she found since I am generally a healthy person. I had not shared anything about my health with Lynn. But she immediately picked up on the fact that my gall bladder was missing. I was shocked! For her to go straight to my gall bladder which was the only dysfunction I had was remarkable!!! She also picked up on the fact that I didn’t have any serious organ or system dysfunction and just needed a bit of detox and I felt a most definite rejuvenation from her clearing and was in high vibration after that. Since I interview gifted people on a daily basis, I can honestly say that I have yet to see someone with as remarkable a gift as Lynn’s when it comes to identifying causes of disease. She is truly amazing! ~ Eram Saeed
I'd had a flare up of plantar fascitis, which actually made it hard for me to walk. In the past it took 4 weeks of ice massage and taking it easy to get me back to pain free. Happily Lynn's great work shifted the burning sensation in one session! She saved me a month of pain! She also adjusted my endocrine system for me, which has been loopy from integrating a new level of divine energy. Lynn is awesome! ~ Maiyah Olivas
Interview with Jarrad Hewett
Topic: Infinite Abundance
“It immediately felt like all receptors open and ready for take off… exquisite....blissful...lovely...peaceful...
 ~ Karen
75% off!
10 mins after my first listen, a client called and booked 3 sessions with me! ~ Caroline
I realized I had fear of the responsibility money brings, I was not confident I could handle money on my own. Definitely agree that money allows us to express ourselves. I am welcoming abundance ~ Christina
I wake up and listen with headphones every morning. Something in me craves this track and I look forward to it as the way to start my day… this track calms any stress or anxiety I may have. Thank you so much, Jarrad! ~ Mary Ellen
I felt such a peaceful safe space to let go in. The waves were so divine. They sounded like cosmic waves. So perfect! So beautiful! ~ Nichole many synchronicities floating in as I experienced this energy journey. So much peace and calmness with the release. I cried many tears of release! ~ Dianne
Interview with Brent Phillips
Topic: Awakening Dynamics: The Formula for Miracles
“After four healing sessions with Brent, My Parkinson's slowly going away
92% off!
After our private session...I received my statement from JP Morgan with $10,00 more than the previous month...I received a check for $13,325!
Interview with Rikka Zimmerman
Topic: Guidance From Your Highest Self
“I feel like my whole body has been reprogrammed! The chronic health issues that I have suffered from for years have subsided. I'm crying tears of gratitude for this miraculous shift in my body and being! ~ Louise D. Michigan
85% off!
My mind and my heart are now finding a way to cooperate, the monkey mind that has run my existence for as long as I can remember has finally been quelled ~ Charlie C., New Mexico
Everything can be an adventure instead of what everyone says it has to be ~ Lily W, New York
Interview with Robert & Terri Talltree
Topic: Ancient Wisdom Reveals The Truth About ,How to Manifest Anything to Create the Life of Your Dreams … with 7 Sacred Principles
“Today I'm no longer living someone else's version of reality; I'm living mine ... and it is, as Robert TallTree said it would be, filled with joy! ~ Lori Daniel Falk, Visionary Artist
94% off!
My connection to the Sacred and Divine is stronger and more clear than ever before! ~ Debora Hood, Communication Specialist
...I have had a miraculous physical overhaul of my Mind, Body and Spirit! The doubt that I was holding onto has faded to a whisper. My Power has been transferred back to me, rather than others. ~ Chris Downs, Environmental Steward
Interview with Victor Da Ponte
Topic: Unlocking Your Infinite Love Potential and Manifesting Your Dreams
“ I just wanted to give you feedback after the group session, I was a 1 out of 10 on my happiness level and after it’s a 10!!!. I can’t explain it, I found it very hard to believe, but it muscle tests correct and I see a different person in the mirror. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ~ Julian, NY
97% off!
So much has changed in such a minimal linear time frame. Just little things like.... Getting up really early because I just feel so good about myself and life. Plus something really unexpected is happening... I am thrilled about this... I AM shedding excess inches and pounds, and incredibly I am now 1 inch taller!!! ~ Marla, TX
I have had some amazing breakthroughs and so grateful to Victor. I have much more energy, feel peaceful and unexpected orders for my jewelry just keep coming in. I thank Victor And our Source. ~ Sandra, Santa Monica, CA
Interview with Niky Rey
Topic: Get the secret Keys to Prosperity: Unexpected Income within weeks
Before I even started your class, I purchased Package A over the weekend, heard part of the live call and then the replay today, and noticed three significant changes. My heart chakra energy felt activated, my energy level increased, and I received a call this evening about a contract job opportunity at a large tech firm. Wow! And the class hasn't even started! ~ Anne Heit
My husband Clive received a donation for $1,000 for his non profit sustainable farm project, yesterday. Then I heard from good friend Rebecca, that right after I signed her up, she sold her truck she had been trying to sell for a month. Also she found out the pump she was buying for her well was now going to be $1,500, instead of $3,500 she was originally told! So it is working already Niky, thank you so much, I have been praying for this for a long time! ~ Joyce
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I was invited to participate to a Bazzar, where I had the opportunity to connect with like-minded people and very savvy entrepreneurs. I received very timely business coaching for FREE and I now have a crystal clear vision of my next steps and a concrete business plan in place. I am creating six new products for my main business already and I attracted a new business partner, who markets an exclusive product with a great margin of profit in a very hungry niche. The coolest part is that I manifested this partnership out of the blue! This opportunity alone will put me in a completely different tax bracket within a few short months! On top of all these, my arm that was in pain for a long time is totally healed! ~ Despina F.
I was taken to the hospital due to a sudden sickness (a blessing in disguise) and I met a doctor that I could finally trust to operate a surgery on my hernia, which has restricted me significantly during the last few years. Now, the best part is that my surgeon revealed to me how to be treated for FREE, for a surgery that would normally cost me 2.800 - 3.000 euros! My live appearances for the season started at least a month earlier than usually and I have been busier than any other year so far. My first two students enrolled already too. During the last few days, more and more people are interested in my house, that I have put on sale. Regarding my health, I am releasing weight with ease and I am making better nutritional choices without struggling. I released a lot of annoying symptoms, like itching, allergies and body pains and I enjoy a newly acquired level of wellness altogether. ~ Akis K., singer, song-writer, guitar teacher
Interview with John Newton
Topic: Ending Suffering With Ancestral Clearing
I have tried many healers and energy workers. Only John's work was able to remove the causes of emotional negativity I have experienced for 40 years. ~ B.B. Iowa
33% off!
I suffered from severe back pain for over four decades. All of the orthopedic experts said I would be in this pain for the rest of my life. John helped me clear debris and limiting beliefs and helped me tap into my own body's ability to heal itself from pain and I am pain free today. ~ E. K. Fmr NASA scientist
The swelling, in my breasts, armpits (lymphatic), and my multiple breast lumps have all completely vanished. I used to wake up in the night and feel the pain, now I wake up often to feel a sweet hum. Thank you John. ~ Brenda, Vancouver, BC
Interview with Mark Romero
Topic: Breakthrough Your Barriers to Creating an Extraordinary Life
In the sixth century, the famous Greek scientist, Pythagoras, believed that the movement of the stars and planets were explained by musical harmonics and vibrations. You are the modern Pythagoras who brings musical vibrations to inspire people and organizations! ~ Ralph Kilmann.
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Mark's music reached directly into my subconscious, releasing old issues and memories. Blockages dissipated! I now begin and end every day with Mark's music. It sets up my day and helps me center and focus,