Replaying this Week

Kim Serafini
Raquel Spencer
Brad Yates
Mark Romero

(Click on the image to go to replay section)

Interview with Mark Romero
Topic: Breakthrough Your Barriers to Creating an Extraordinary Life
In the sixth century, the famous Greek scientist, Pythagoras, believed that the movement of the stars and planets were explained by musical harmonics and vibrations. You are the modern Pythagoras who brings musical vibrations to inspire people and organizations! ~ Ralph Kilmann.


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Mark's music reached directly into my subconscious, releasing old issues and memories. Blockages dissipated! I now begin and end every day with Mark's music. It sets up my day and helps me center and focus, and I believe it increases productivity. This is the most amazing process I have experienced! ~ Pam McLellan
Mark's music is what we call organizing music. When we look at what Mark's music does to the physical body, we see an increase in flexibility, strength, coordination, endurance and balance. The music also keeps people in a coherent state when exposed to Electro Magnetic Fields from cell phones and other electronic devices. ~ Dr. Ronald Jones, Ph.D. - Former Top-Ranking Consultant to NASA
Interview with Brad Yates
Topic: Tapping into Unconditional Joy
I love your EFT sessions!! You are great!! Your EFT abundance sessions got me an interview in 2 days and a job in a week and half. ~ E.A.


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Brad Yates's coaching was one of the most intuitive, direct-hit, useful experiences I've had. Anyone interested in understanding the links between EFT and working with Spirit will benefit immediately and deeply from working with him. ~ Mary C., Intuitive Counselor
I am really amazed at how powerful this work really is! And you, Brad, are truly MAGNIFICENT beyond measure!!! And you can quote me on that! :- ) ~ Debra L., Software Engineer
Interview with Raquel Spencer
Topic: Living In Divine Flow - How To Become Fully Aligned with Your Higher Self.
You truly are a wonderful master and conductor of the energy that is intense yet lovingly flows with ease and grace. What a gracious and empowering gift you have shared. Thank you! ~ Ali


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84% off!
For anyone who has not yet experienced Raquel, her work is absolutely Unique and Always facilitates the highest level of transformation available at this time! It WILL ROCK you beyond what you can imagine. ~ Eva
Raquel, Thursday was the first time I participated in your energy tune-up. I just wanted to say thank you for facilitating... it was a very powerful experience for me personally ...I knew that something had changed within my energy center. I felt lighter, more open. I look forward to working with you again soon. Thanks for all you do to help us on this journey. ~ Blanche
Interview with Kim Serafini [REPEAT BROADCAST]
Topic: What if You Could Brainwash YOURSELF
Thanks for the wonderful I amgr8ful. I know it has brought faster manifestation of many things into my life including my wonderful Soulmate who came into my life just over 4 weeks ago and is about to move in with me! I so appreciate you and the fruit of your passion! In loving appreciation ~ Keith Higgs, United Kingdom


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………Some of the changes I have been seeing as a result of my daily ritual are:
  • Consistent monthly top producer in the payments division of a Fortune 500 company
  • Releasing of another 10 pounds this year for a total of forty pounds in less than two years.
  • Increase in earnings of 20%
  • Dating again
  • Daily exercising plus playing golf & tennis after being away for a number of years
Thanks you Kim for sharing these online media tools that anyone who takes the time to have a look and embrace these extraordinary visual effects can experiences transformation in any number of areas of their lives  ~ Blessings,Sophie Farago New York, USA
Last night I listened to Morgana. I have been unemployed for 14 months, used up all of my savings and resources. I have signed up with agencies, filled out so many applications, listened to so many life coaches. I did what she said; found and destroyed my money monster and met my "Money Honey." I felt the love. This morning I went to a job fair, went to an agency, had 2 interviews and only 5 hours later I was offered a good job starting Monday! Thank you, Morgana! ~ Sincerely, Janet M, FL USA
Interview with Morgana Rae [REPEAT BROADCAST]
Topic: How to Heal Your Relationship with Money (and become Irresistibly Magnetic to Wealth)
Major thanks for your program. It allowed me to take the past year off without financial worries. Giving me plenty of time to decide what I wanted to do with my life. ~ Ann Rusnak
95% off!
Not only have I attracted more spontaneity to my life but more money too – $10,000 within 48 hours of our first session! No kidding. Fueled by your solid wisdom and fun approach, I find the new clients and checks continue to show up steadily and I'm having a blast. Thank you Money! Thank you Morgana! ~ Laura Koehne
Last night I listened to Morgana. I have been unemployed for 14 months, used up all of my savings and resources. I have signed up with agencies, filled out so many applications, listened to so many life coaches. I did what she said; found and destroyed my money monster and met my "Money Honey." I felt the love. This morning I went to a job fair, went to an agency, had 2 interviews and only 5 hours later I was offered a good job starting Monday! Thank you, Morgana! ~ Ruth Leilani Smith
Interview with Joy & Roy Martina [REPEAT BROADCAST]
Topic: Remote CHI – The Science of Healing at a Distance
Thank you so much Eram for having Joy and Roy on your telesummit! I had so many clearings and issues (I wasn't even aware of) removed while listening to that replay! I felt my crown chakra open and healing love and light energy pour into me! What a blessing you and they are to all of us! Thank you soo sooo much! A very satisfied and devoted listener. ~ Steve in West Hollywood, CA
92% off!
Thank you very much for the beautiful and powerful workshop we enjoyed with you. It has helped me so much and I am still processing the positive effects. I now feel capable of handling my life in a powerful way, stand up for myself and finally tackle everything I come across. ~ Matthias, Germany:
I am so glad to have met you, Roy and you, Joy in this life finally. And to go this path of love and light. Right from the beginning when I started my sessions and workshops with you, I was able to make great steps in short time. And I am so grateful for this. The real breakthrough was after Roland (my husband) and I had single sessions with you, Joy. Since then I find my work has greatly improved. Thank you so much. ~ Taiyebeh, Pakistan:
Interview with Matt Kahn [REPEAT BROADCAST]
Topic: The Love Revolution - Transforming Your Reality for the Liberation of All
This offer is truly fantastic. Matt's teachings are profound and life changing. Don't just believe me, try them yourself and you will see!!! ~ Dennica
57% off!
Dearest Matt--You are the icing in a world of endless cake! Thanks for blasting open my heart. You pole-shifted my life, and everything feels right-side up now. Your generosity is out of this world, literally! Thank you for your MANY incredible gifts to us all during retreat. It was far more then I could have EVER imagined! It was such an honor to be a part of everything we experienced together, everything we witnessed and held loving space for...the miracles and transformation were unspeakably moving to witness, feel, and experience. My love and respect for you and Julie as people, as teachers, as healers, as angelic beings in human form - just went through the roof and into a new dimension. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I LOOOOOOVE YOU!” ~ Christian Wood
The first time I met Matt, when he looked at me, I saw so much love in his eyes, that it felt like The Divine bathing me in exquisite love. Hearing him speak, I had such a dramatic shift in consciousness, that he instantly became my favorite teacher. Matt's teachings touch me in a way that no other spiritual teacher has ever been able to do. Every interaction, while taking me to a higher level of consciousness, also grounds me more deeply. With Matt, I have found an experience of peace that I have never had before. I believe that anyone who comes in contact with Matt is forever changed. ~ Elys Brewda, Seattle, WA
Interview with Tom Paladino [REPEAT BROADCAST]
Topic: The scalar energy pathogenic cleanse now disassembles over 10,000 species of pathogens
Dear Tom, I have the photos of my foot fungus. I wanted you to see the improvement and almost completely gone pictures from just 3 weeks of Scalar. Thank you so much as I have been suffering daily for over 19 years with this itchy fungus that made holes between my toes. God Bless you to spread this good news of remote scalar healing all over the world!
P.S.This fungus is like athletes foot but worse, called I think Hollie rot; on my ankles, side of feet and all of sole; it's itchy and terrible, oozing clear liquids, nothing helped for 19 years.
 ~ Thank you, Susan Wolding
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Dear Tom, My family and I have been receiving scalar energy treatments for one month. This is our progress which I am extremely happy with:
My daughter has suffered with cold sores for many years, since treatment started a cold sore began one day and disappeared the next without any ointment. She could not believe it herself.
My son He also suffered with cold sores, but for the last month he has not had any. He also has a dry cough for part of the year which doctors call a type of asthma; For the last month I have not heard him coughing at all and he has been playing a lot of sports out in the night air, which usually start the coughing. Myself. .. I have seen some very significant changes...
1) A cluster of warts that I have had on my right hand have almost disappeared
2) My mouth feels 100 times fresher
3) I sleep better and awake more refreshed and also I need less sleep My husband feels the same benefits with regard to sleep and mouth freshness. I have gladly paid for next month treatments and I know and believe that scalar energy is of a major health benefit to myself and all of my family. I would advise anybody who cares for their health to do this. Tom does all the work and you reap all the benefits.
We as a family are very grateful for your work. ~ M.G Sligo, Ireland
I have suffered from Herpes for 35 years, and the last 5 years the virus would be active 3 to 4 weeks out of every 2 months with 3 to 4 recurrences, keeping me with flu like symptoms, and run down energetically for weeks on end. This time not only am I completely done with the break within 6 days, the long term upper respiratory cold with constant sneezing is now also gone. And my energy level is back... this is after 6 weeks of having no energy, and only 2 weeks on the scalar energy program!!
Interview with Mashhur Anam
Topic: Vortex Meditation – Align and Create
Before you go to bed tonight, breathe in and out deeply a few times and slowly read the following Activation Phrase and Dream State Sequence 3 times: Activate Dream-State Sequence 1AaFc2bB9c (pronounce “one a a f c 2 b b nine c”)

Encoded in the sequence: instruction for your subconscious to search base patterns of shame, guilt, anger, restrictions and fear and run transformational algorithms to help you integrate lessons and transform those patterns to hope, strength, empowerment, curiosity and creativity. Notice if you have dreams, notice your thoughts & feelings and how you feel in the morning. Whether you remember your dreams or not, processing will happen while you sleep. Sweet Dreams!
87% off!
Imagine you had access to your own personal holodeck where you could program and create a whole new reality for yourself; this is what it is like using Mashhur's holographic tools and programs! The results I've gotten from using them are quite magical, at times astonishing! The vortex meditations are particularly powerful in opening up multidimensional awareness and capacities. I've never had so much fun redesigning my reality!.
This morning I feel like a great shift has taken place within me. There is a peace & calm within and a deep KNOWING that each day IS going to be more AWESOME than the day before as we move forward!...
Interview with Maiyah Olivas
Topic: Continuous Joy: The Key to Transforming Your Life and Universe
Maiyah shows us amazing skills with grace...there is a lot to be learned from her masterful work with PTSD, relationship and sexual issues. ~ Gary Craig,
Founder and Creator, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Up To 98% off!
I didn't believe in Generational Healing before I met you. But even though you mainly worked on me, my daughter is a completely different person now. She used to create horrible situations in every area of her life. She went from a drug-addict who blew $250,000 in a year then did jail time for assaulting a police officer, she has finished both college and her Masters, and is earning over $50,000 per year doing preventative counseling with troubled teens. ~ D.W.,
Virginia Beach, VA
My NGO was laying people off, so I consulted Maiyah and followed all her instructions in the program. The next week my office received a grant specifically funding my program for $40,000. So my salary was assured for the entire year. Then two weeks later, I attracted a business mentor for a side business I had started. We just got venture capital totalling $80,000 for our first project! Thank you so much Maiyah! ~ MN,
Jersey City, NJ
Interview with Gillian Hood
Topic: Transform your relationship with food and your body. How to overcome binge eating and/or emotional overeating and see your entire life change for the better!
I’m now off the roller coaster. I take time to recognize my hunger and satisfaction levels. I eat mindfully; I enjoy my food and the entire eating experience. Our coaching was an amazing, enlightening experience for me, and I recommend it to anyone who needs to get back to eating in a healthy way. ~ Donna T.
75% off!
I really want to thank you for all you've done for me. I absolutely feel like a different person. I would say that you gave me my life back - but I don't really remember much before I was bingeing, so it would be more accurate to say that you gave me a life. I can't remember the last time I've binged - I've overeaten a couple times, but it's rare - I don't feel bad about it. My husband is on another crazy diet and I don't care, I eat what I want and don't pay any attention to him. I feel I've lost weight for sure, despite fighting the urge to get on a scale. I'm wearing clothes that I never thought I could and I feel great in them. I get excited to get dressed when I go out, as opposed to that feeling of dread - "what will fit today?" My body isn't "perfect," but I am so much more accepting and forgiving of myself. I'm happy when I see myself in the mirror about 99% of the time (the other 1% is usually after a 12 hour shift at work). ~ Lauren S.
When I started working with Gillian, I felt terrible about my body. I would beat myself up about every little slip and each time I weighed myself or looked in the mirror, I would feel awful. Gillian taught me how to love and care for my body. She taught me that I am not a bad person because I am overweight. I learned how to enjoy life now and not be a prisoner in my body. I feel much better about my weight now than I ever have, and I feel much healthier and freer now that weight is less of an issue for me. I believe Gillian is really helping women to become their best and live up to their potential. I feel sorry I didn't talk to her sooner. I feel like I am finally being my own best friend. ~ Wendy K.
Interview with Kelly Hampton
Topic: Tools For Ascension - Heal The Planet Heal Yourselves
Extremely detailed, high level information that I know I can count on for my highest good. ~ Alice Norley, UK
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Today's chat with Kelly Hampton and AA Michael was amazing and I'm really speechless. It was like someone was reading my mind literally. I'd recommend it to anybody. You and AA Michael together are AMAZING! Thank you again! ~ Christy In London
She has this way on how to deliver her answers so that the messages are correctly communicated. I love talking to her because she chooses the right things to say so that you totally know she could not have made this up. Not only is it important to have the correct message to deliver but the delivery itself must be eloquent and she does a great job of this. This is why I call her all the time. ~ Ruth, Wyoming, USA
Interview with Julie Renee [Repeat Broadcast]
Topic: Quantum Healing Secrets
Before working with Julie Renee I was feeling tired, burnt out and older than my years. After just one session, I felt clearer and more focused in my thinking. ~ Cary Peters
Upto 74% off!
I’ve had the extreme pleasure of working with Julie Renee. She has helped me heal. When she says “100% Healthy”, she isn’t kidding. I got immediate results. I’m experiencing better health, I feel happier and more alive than I have in years and using her wealth program I have more prospects, more clients and more money ~ Jill Lublin, Best Selling Author of Guerrilla Publicity and Founder of
It’s rare to meet someone so gifted and clear about who they are and what they are here to do on the planet. She’s bringing a unique body of work to the world that is an important contribution to humanity. ~ Marci Shimoff, As seen in The Secret and Author of four New York Times Best Selling Books
Interview with Joy & Roy Martina
Topic: Remote CHI – The Science of Healing at a Distance
Thank you so much Eram for having Joy and Roy on your telesummit! I had so many clearings and issues (I wasn't even aware of) removed while listening to that replay! I felt my crown chakra open and healing love and light energy pour into me! What a blessing you and they are to all of us! Thank you soo sooo much! A very satisfied and devoted listener."  ~ Steve in West Hollywood, CA
92% off!
Thank you very much for the beautiful and powerful workshop we enjoyed with you. It has helped me so much and I am still processing the positive effects. I now feel capable of handling my life in a powerful way, stand up for myself and finally tackle everything I come across. ~ Matthias, Germany:
I am so glad to have met you, Roy and you, Joy in this life finally. And to go this path of love and light. Right from the beginning when I started my sessions and workshops with you, I was able to make great steps in short time. And I am so grateful for this. The real breakthrough was after Roland (my husband) and I had single sessions with you, Joy. Since then I find my work has greatly improved. Thank you so much.  ~ Taiyebeh, Pakistan:
Interview with Jeffrey Gignac
Topic: The Divine Order of Manifestation - How a Near Brush With Death Gave One Man The Ultimate Manifestation
Jeff, I have only been using for a week, and I can feel the effects from the very first use. Very powerful stuff, and I am looking forward to continued positive changes with each use. Well done on an awesome product."  ~ Tim Hyder
78% off!
Your downloads are amazing! They are awesome! They are amazingly awesome! By far the BEST I have ever seen and heard. I was about ready to fall asleep.I have only listened to two of them, and I already feel supercharged. I cannot wait to listen to and watch ALL of them! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! ~ Rich, (the vertigo guy)
Life Response Frequencies describe in a word: Magic Thank you, David Montero  ~ David Montero
Interview with Lynn Waldrop
Topic: Take a Dive into Health - Using Frequencies to resolve ALL ailments of the body permanently
I felt that I had lost at least 10 lbs after this session! I looked in the mirror and felt great and my work clothes were loose. Even a week after the session, my legs still look great and everyone is noticing and my upper thighs are down another 1/2 inch! I have always had pain on the outside of my legs when I touch them lightly and there is very little pain anymore."  ~ Carrie T., Pittsburgh, PA
Up To 89% off!
When Lynn dove into my body I was mildly interested to see what she found since I am generally a healthy person. I had not shared anything about my health with Lynn. But she immediately picked up on the fact that my gall bladder was missing. I was shocked! For her to go straight to my gall bladder which was the only dysfunction I had was remarkable!!! She also picked up on the fact that I didn’t have any serious organ or system dysfunction and just needed a bit of detox and I felt a most definite rejuvenation from her clearing and was in high vibration after that. Since I interview gifted people on a daily basis, I can honestly say that I have yet to see someone with as remarkable a gift as Lynn’s when it comes to identifying causes of disease. She is truly amazing! ~ Eram Saeed
I'd had a flare up of plantar fascitis, which actually made it hard for me to walk. In the past it took 4 weeks of ice massage and taking it easy to get me back to pain free. Happily Lynn's great work shifted the burning sensation in one session! She saved me a month of pain! She also adjusted my endocrine system for me, which has been loopy from integrating a new level of divine energy. Lynn is awesome!   ~ Maiyah Olivas
Interview with Debbie Fumanti
Topic: Energetically Aligning Into Love - Learn How to start magnetizing love into your life soul contracts and much more!
Debbie, your ideas and advice have been invaluable to me. I can't tell you how much you have made a HUGE difference to me in so many areas of my life!"  ~ Kimberely J
85% off!
I love Debbie and I know you will too! Her work is always so creative, individualized and real-life practical! ~ Michael S.
Debbie your reading was right on accurate! Kudos, and thank you we have taken your advice and are now changing things as you suggested, everything is working better, from our relationship to our money!   ~ Lois and David E
Interview with Cari Murphy
Topic: Treasures of Heaven: Lessons from the Other Side
Well all I can say is WOW!!!!! I have one word...AMAZING!!!!!! First of all....I cannot thank you enough for your coaching program! It's like you are talking directly to ME in this course! I am learning to completely trust in the process and know that I WILL get to my destination. This is very big for me! Your group calls are Phenomenal!!! I feel like they were tailor made just for ME!......"  ~ –Peggy Penzak
91% off!
I simply cannot say enough about the amazing things that have happened after making the life changing decision to use Cari Murphy's "Soul Success" coaching services. Since working with Cari as my personal coach, every single area of my life has flourished exponentially! After only four months of Cari's coaching, my business literally exploded and my soul became fully ignited! With Cari's guidance, I manifested more prosperity than I ever dreamed possible; going from a single home office to opening offices on both the east and west coasts. Cari has helped me find more clarity, balance, and focus than ever. ...... ~ Michelle Ketterman
There's a reason that Cari is called 'The Soul-Success Coach.' Cari has a gift for gentle yet life altering, intuitive coaching that calls forth your soul's purpose. Cari fosters the unfolding process with her blend of compassionate wisdom and powerful listening. In the utterly safe space Cari created during each coaching session, I laughed, cried, dreamed and planned my way to a whole new level of insight and passion. Cari is a divinely designed catalyst for unleashing your passion. She is a cheerleader for your soul's true expression. And who doesn't need that in life? My life will never be the same. Thank YOU Cari.   ~ Teri Goggin-Robberts
Interview with Danielle Mackinnon [Encore]
Topic: Soul Contracts: Unlock Your Brilliance!
With a smile that could melt your heart, Danielle MacKinnon guides people to uncover the secrets of their Soul. I’m always impressed by her sensitivity and deep understanding of how the Soul can truly help people when they are finally ready to look. ~ – Psychic Medium John Holland
87% off!
What I loved most about my soul contract reading with Danielle MacKinnon was that it helped me to better understand the people in my life and my relationships with them. Danielle taught me why each person is in my life, why they behave the way they do around me, and why I respond to them the way that I do. Most importantly, my reading with Danielle taught me why I chose to have each person in my life (from a soul level), which has helped me to be more understanding, forgiving and compassionate with friends and family members because I now relate to them at new, higher level ~ Psychic Investigator Bob Olson
I want to say thank you to Danielle for such a wonderful learning experience. She explained everything so well and gave time for her listeners to take in what was being said. I had no reaction that I was aware of during the first clearing of fields. However, during the second one I started to cry and became quite emotional – a lot of momentary sadness. At one point I even found myself saying goodbye to my Mother in my head (she passed away in February 2004). It took me by surprise. I am definitely going to listen to the replay tomorrow. Again, thank you Danielle for this wonderful experience.   ~ Lindsay Jacob
Interview with Gil Alan
Topic: You Are The One You’re Waiting For! No More Gurus!
The workshop was brilliant - I loved every minute of it! This should be a requirement for everyone on this planet to connect to their Spirit Guides! ~ Michael - Arizona
94% off!
Workshop started Monday but you can still sign up and listen to the first replay to catch up!
It’s hard to express what I feel right now, but everything feels different. I am so deeply moved by all the love and advice I received from my wonderful guides... Beyond words ~ Judith - UK
I laughed, I cried, I shared, I was touched, I was humbled, and even rendered speechless at times... My heart is full and my eyes wide open! ~ Amanda - New York
Gil's class saved and changed my life. It's an amazing gift to give yourself. ~ Robin
WOW!!!!! I got my spirits guide name and some incredible information!! AND my guide told me where I left my car keys! And guess what - he ( Moe) my guide was accurate!! so cool I've been missing my keys for 3 days- they were behind the couch!! Gil you are such a great teacher!!!! love this!!!! I want to study with you!! xoxox Thank you Eram and Gil!!!  ~ Sandy
Interview with Kristen Webster
Topic: Visioneering Your Quantum Reality
I love how easily you guided me out of my “stories” to assist me in bringing true joy into my heart. ~ Donnis C., Texas, USA
91% off!
Kristen is such a bright light! I have had the pleasure of working with her for the last two years and she is one of the most insightful, intuitive and effective coaches that I’ve experienced. Her playfulness and joy always shine through the wisdom and profound transformation that she shares. I am amazed by the way she consistently drills right to the root of whatever is blocking me from moving forward. She has helped me identify old, buried beliefs that once I shifted, opened a space for me to create a totally different experience of myself, and be so much more effective in my own practice. ~ Shweta S., Illinois, USA
Thank you for your amazing capacity of understanding, love and wisdom. I now am able to see my life, my journey, as a movie, that only I CAN CHANGE. Thank you for showing me such patience and love. I am not used to feeling someone’s love and caring of me. It was so easy to stay in my Heart, as I talked and listened to YOU, dearest Kristen, Being of Light, because you were so authentic and kind and loving of my stuff and my cry for help. I am so grateful for you and LOVE YOU TOO! ~ Era A., Florida, USA
Interview with Dougall Fraser
Topic: Change your life with Color!
Cosmic and cool, Dougall Fraser is the Seinfeld of psychics. ~ -Tori Spelling
68% off!
Rising psychic star Dougall Fraser has written a fascinating and illuminating memoir - revealing in more ways than one. ~ Larry King
Dougall is a guru of great advice.  ~ The New York Post
Interview with Estaryia Venus
Topic: How to Awaken Your Inner Source of Power
The power of Estaryia’s voice opened places inside of me and allowed me to release energy what felt like from the depth of my being. I feel like a heavy burden has been lifted, and I am more excited about life. ~ Laura Saunders
Upto 89% off!
That was the most transformative experience I’ve ever had! Not only did I reconnect on a deep inner spiritual level, but the pain in my back that I’d had for the past couple of years released completely and I’m able to move freely. Thank you Estaryia!  ~ Sarah Bowmen
Having had the opportunity to experience an extraordinary sound-healing session with Estaryia Venus, I highly recommend her sound therapy for a variety of disorders, ranging from stress, pain, tinnitus, and other disorders of the body, mind and nervous system.  ~ John L. Turner, MD, Neurological Surgery
Interview with Danielle Mackinnon
Topic: Soul Contracts: Unlock Your Brilliance!
With a smile that could melt your heart, Danielle MacKinnon guides people to uncover the secrets of their Soul. I’m always impressed by her sensitivity and deep understanding of how the Soul can truly help people when they are finally ready to look. ~ – Psychic Medium John Holland
87% off!
What I loved most about my soul contract reading with Danielle MacKinnon was that it helped me to better understand the people in my life and my relationships with them. Danielle taught me why each person is in my life, why they behave the way they do around me, and why I respond to them the way that I do. Most importantly, my reading with Danielle taught me why I chose to have each person in my life (from a soul level), which has helped me to be more understanding, forgiving and compassionate with friends and family members because I now relate to them at new, higher level ~ Psychic Investigator Bob Olson
I want to say thank you to Danielle for such a wonderful learning experience. She explained everything so well and gave time for her listeners to take in what was being said. I had no reaction that I was aware of during the first clearing of fields. However, during the second one I started to cry and became quite emotional – a lot of momentary sadness. At one point I even found myself saying goodbye to my Mother in my head (she passed away in February 2004). It took me by surprise. I am definitely going to listen to the replay tomorrow. Again, thank you Danielle for this wonderful experience.   ~ Lindsay Jacob
Interview with Mina Firme
Topic: The proven, easy track to BLISSFUL relationships!
I had the good fortune to have had a one on one session with Mina. In just one session, she released stuck energy and belief systems I have been working on for years and deeply buried trauma I wasn't even aware of. After our session, I was on a total high and ready to party. Just awesome. Much Love, fun and gratitude. ~ Ute, Australia
Up to 75% off!
Mina, thank you so much for the clearings you performed for me! I cannot believe that clearings so short and simple could ever be so potent, but they definitely are! I felt immediate changes and with your meditation package, I am able to get rid of any residue we weren't able to deal with on our call. I'm amazed at how you were able to so accurately read my past lives and recognize where the blocks in my present life stemmed from. Thank you for showing me that the cold relationship with my father stems from our relationship centuries ago and that we are able to heal all the past hurt in the present lifetime. I felt like I was talking to a long-time friend during our session and that made me even more receptive to what you had to say. I cannot say "Thank You" enough, and I am grateful to have had you aide in launching a 2014 full of clarity and blessings for me!  ~ Michelle Duncan in Brooklyn NY
Mina, you are truly amazing. Our session together on December 29, 2013 was like no other and I have had many. I sensed that you care about helping others and you have the gift in doing so.

What I know is that you got everything on the nose and more even the issues that I was not aware of.

You were able to see my past life in which I needed to learn my lesson in this one.

You have also given me insight on the issues with my mother in which we were frozen in time do to a trauma to the both of us.

I do not send out testimonials, but in this case I just had to. Mina I thank You   ~ Blessings Cathy-Toronto
Interview with Dr. Edwige Bingue
Topic: Awakening to the Light Within
I received coaching from Dr. Edwige and it was amazing how quickly my goals manifested and soared and executed.. I learned meditation and how to BREATH which was KEY for me.. My dreams became my reality…I consider her to be one of my “Modern Day Gurus”….Forever Grateful.. Angels do walk on this earth…. ~ Raquel S.
66% off!
Thank you Rev. Dr. Edwige, for all that you have done for me. I was afraid when I started having ascension symptoms. The day that my leg “disappeared” I thought I was having a stroke. Then I found your class “You’re not crazy, you’re awakening” at the Spirit Within U. Everything you share has helped and taught me so much.

The violet flame prayer has helped me with so much more than my fear. I use it daily transmute any and everything negative.

Transmuting the fear has reawakened the God given gifts that I had as a child. All of my separate selves are coming into alignment. I can physically feel my third eye opening. Your guided meditations took me into my heart for the first time. What a joy that was! My aura photograph showed that my aura had changed to a bright blue and green and all my chakras are open and active. You also taught me the merkaba activation meditation. There are times that I can actually see the ring of light. I am also manifesting. Amazing ! I am so blessed to have you in my life! In fact, the whole world is blessed to have you with us! Thank you with all my heart. I love you.  ~ Shelly F
Edwige is one of those rare combinations of collective consciousness and action. She is a natural healing force. In her presence I experienced a lifting up, a joy delivered with such grace and compassion, that I didn’t realize the impact until a few hours later. She is a true Master devoted to serving all.  ~ Gregory Joseph (New York)
Interview with Kaitlyn Keyt
Topic: Trees Talking Truth on EMF, GMO's, GRUMPY People & More
LOVE your products and every time I try a new item, I am never disappointed. Thank you Kaitlyn ~ Alicia Wish
Up to 72% off!
I have to let you know a personal testimonial for the divine mask. Yesterday I had a wisdom tooth out and came home with a VERY swollen face. I wrapped the divine mask around the left side of my jaw and within 1/2 hour, the swelling had completely gone down!! Amazing!! Today there is still no... ~ Nicole Lockhart
Quick story!!! : ) I took my small and medium size mats to Ohio over the holidays to show my sister.... and her 9 year old son was sitting with us one night while we were talking about them and about running enegy, he asked what the heck the mats were and I said they had crushed up crystals...  ~ Lisa Mullins
Interview with Lisa Jaya Waters
Topic: Fast Track to ASCENSION: Detoxification
I have never heard of her and never heard anything quite like it. One of the last bits where she cleared the heaviness that made us feel like nothing was going to change/get better made my eyes well up ... Quite powerful. Thank you for bringing her to us. I love that she brings in the archangels as well. ~ Catherine
Up to 91% off!
I want to thankyou from the bottom of my heart for getting rid of my shoulder/neck knots!! I was felling around there last night, and it is miraculously just normal tissue!! Never in 20 years have I left so good... A literal burden .. lifted... have a wonderful week! ~ Lily
Lisa, Thanks so much helping with my frequencies and densities. I honestly had breakthrough! what an experience! I felt like that was totally what I needed. I've recommanded you to two people get in touch!  ~ Sarah M.
Interview with Michelle Carter [Encore]
Topic: Feeling Happiness for no Reason!
Michelle, it's obvious how devoted you are to your work; you sparkle, you shine - and you share your love throughout the process of clearing and healing. I want you to know how truly grateful I am for this: Your input in my healing process is one that I've been in need of for a very long while. Hence your work is a godsend - to me and, I'm sure, to many others who need more peace in their souls. Thank you so much for making my smile a bigger one! ~ Marita F-K,UK
89% off!
When Michelle released me the first time I felt so overwhelmed I wanted to cry to release all my negative energy. It felt powerful but in a good way, relieved.

The second time she read it I felt a wave of lightness course through my being, like darkness was lifted. And afterwards I had a job to stay awake! It was a fantastic experience and ever since I have felt happier, calmer and more able to deal with life's little problems :)  ~ Sarah ,UK
I've just spent the last month on Michelle's healing energy programme and can honestly say that I am coming out the other side a different person. When I think back to how stressed out / highly strung I was at the start - I'm pleased to say that right now that no longer feels like me.

Having Michelle to turn to with whatever I was experiencing day to day was a real support and comfort. The month has felt like a time of shedding old skin and emerging lighter, freer, happier and more peaceful. Thank you Michelle xx  ~ Nicki , England
Interview with Michelle Manning Kogler
Topic: Simple and Effective Ways to Prevent and Remove Entity Attachments
I find the sessions wonderful and I have achieved more clearings using this program than any other programs I've purchased put together! I thinkMichelle is an absolutely wonderful person and the work she does is saving lives! ~ Susan Ilirya
90% off!
The thing is, when Michelle clears something with her clearing statement methods, it's gone. It's so completely gone that I cannot give any specific examples because I don't remember what's been cleared! I just know that my life has become profoundly better overall. I am calmer, more confident and more grounded and because of that I am able to use resources I had that were previously buried under all of the stuff that she's helped me clear.Michelle, is bright, creative, focused and so gifted with her amazing intuition that she takes personal transformation to a whole new level and consistently gets tremendous results. ~ Sorcha Bray
I've been doing one or two of Michelle's clearing sessions each day and I'm blown away! I feel fantastic after each one, the energy vibrates through me for hours following the session, and it feels like my money issues are truly being removed! ~ Kathryn G
Interview with Jarrad Hewett
Topic: Abundance
Dear Eram, I am just writing with an update about my Agate Crystal. I received it 2 weeks ago now and am very glad to wear it every day. I feel it vibrating strongly every time I touch it and look forward to the magic weaving through me. Many thanks, ~ Helen King
70% off!
OMG! As I said before, I felt a surge of energy running through my body as I made the transaction. I had spent too much money this month and was really pushing my budget; but I just knew that this stone is the real deal and bought it before the show started. And here's the amazing thing, the same day for no reason at all I received an equivalent of $100 dollars from my former cooking teacher with whom I had cut all ties with over three years ago. This was totally out of the blue. I had not seen or spoken to her for three years and here she appears gifting me! I know this is only the beginning. Blessings to you, Eram! And will you give your wonderful staff a hug for me. ~ Sayuri
I GOT my Beautiful Beautiful Stone! - - - I was so Happy to see it found HOME! I had been sending out Guiding Light Energy. - - - Who Knows, - - - It Got HERE! - - - I will let you know what happens. ;-)

It is the Most Beautiful thing I have ever seen! - - - You mentioned maybe being able to get others. I would be Very Interested in a HEALING STONE! ! ! - - - That's what I am Mainly In To !

Thank You So-o-o-o Much for starting your show! I have been with you since the beginning. You have the Best Speakers! ~ Lynn
Interview with Brent Phillips
Topic: Discover Deep Clearing, Subsconscious reprogramming and Inner Abundance through Brent's Formula For Miracles
After four healing sessions with Brent, My Parkinson's slowly going away 
90% off!
After our private session...I received my statement from JP Morgan with $10,00 more than the previous month...I received a check for $13,325! 
Interview with Joshua Bloom
Topic: Transform Instantly Within the Quantum and Morphogenetic Fields to Create Instant Transformation and new Amazing Possibilities?
A year and a half of pain vanished after one session! ~ Deanne Lienau
90% off!
Three cheers to Quantum Energy Transformation! My name is Susan Colwell and I live in Reston. My debilitating attacks are gone and I am now completely free of anxiety!" Ten years Migraine gone! ~ Attorney Alex Villela
Interview with Lion Goodman [Encore]
Topic: Delete The Beliefs That Have Limited You
I recommend this process to anyone looking for clarity and healing in their relationship with self or other. It continues to have a profoundly uplifting and positively grounding impact on my life... three years down the road. ~ Stephanie DeRosier
34% off!
Use Coupon Code CYBS to get $50 off the $147 offer. Pay only $97
The Belief Closet journey was extremely powerful. Something shifted at a very deep level. I discreated my old belief about money: "I can't make any money doing artwork and soul expression.” Right after the session, I sold a painting right out of my window display at the art center. The buyer later came back with his wife, as he liked several pieces in my studio!  ~ R.T., Artist
In the course of one hour, in a belief closet session from a distance of more than 3,000 miles, Lion led me to the core of my issue and helped me clear away old deep-seated beliefs that had been preventing me from reaching my full potential.  ~ K.S., Award-winning documentary filmmaker
Interview with Debbie Fumanti [Encore]
Topic: The power of your intuition.
Our reading time together was AWESOME, thanks again. Looking forward to listening to the replay. I feel complete and will continue to be Me. ~ Blessings, Rhonda F.
Upto 89% off!
Thank you so much for your hour session reading today, I have been inspired! Feel so much lighter, it felt like you were inside my head. I have taken on board all your advice and will start right now and put into action all we discussed. You are truly a blessing! Thank you! Thank-you! Thank-you!  ~ Much Love Helen
Thank you for the phone session last week. You are amazing! I just downloaded and listened to the recorded session. Your encouragement and truthfulness is so appreciated. I do feel like I am the light you talked about, and the dimmer is being removed for good and opening the consistent bright was helpful to listen to the recording of our session. Thank you again for sharing your talents and gifts.  ~ Much love, Sharon P.
Interview with Kim Serafini [Encore]
Topic: What if You Could Brainwash YOURSELF
Thanks for the wonderful I amgr8ful. I know it has brought faster manifestation of many things into my life including my wonderful Soulmate who came into my life just over 4 weeks ago and is about to move in with me! I so appreciate you and the fruit of your passion! In loving appreciation ~ Keith Higgs, United Kingdom
89% off!
………Some of the changes I have been seeing as a result of my daily ritual are:
  • Consistent monthly top producer in the payments division of a Fortune 500 company
  • Releasing of another 10 pounds this year for a total of forty pounds in less than two years.
  • Increase in earnings of 20%
  • Dating again
  • Daily exercising plus playing golf & tennis after being away for a number of years
Thanks you Kim for sharing these online media tools that anyone who takes the time to have a look and embrace these extraordinary visual effects can experiences transformation in any number of areas of their lives  ~ Blessings,Sophie Farago New York, USA
Since I purchased “Enriching Visions”, some awesome changes have come into my life, and furthermore, I am even more energized and passionate about continuing to work on my book – a book about attaining self-love- a book I’ve had numerous divine messages to create, and I will continue this work to completion. My hope is that when it gets “out there”, it will help others on their own journey of discovering self-love.Thank you, Kim, for this wonderful program! It truly is enriching my life!! ~ Sincerely, Janet M, FL USA
Interview with Sue Fitzmaurice
Topic: The Journey: From Depression to Health, Happiness & Purpose
I will always be grateful to Sue for guiding me toward being the change I wish to see in the world. Thank you endlessly, Sue ~ Kelly Coburn, California
51% off!
In taking the time to explore my own self deeply with Sue’s guidance I was able to clarify my vision, and reconnect to a solid and valuable purpose through daily ritual, self-care and spiritual practice. Take the time, you will be glad you did.  ~ Stephanie Renaud, Windsor, Ontario
Interview with Michelle Carter
Topic: Feeling Happiness for no Reason!
Michelle, it's obvious how devoted you are to your work; you sparkle, you shine - and you share your love throughout the process of clearing and healing. I want you to know how truly grateful I am for this: Your input in my healing process is one that I've been in need of for a very long while. Hence your work is a godsend - to me and, I'm sure, to many others who need more peace in their souls. Thank you so much for making my smile a bigger one! ~ Marita F-K,UK
89% off!
When Michelle released me the first time I felt so overwhelmed I wanted to cry to release all my negative energy. It felt powerful but in a good way, relieved.

The second time she read it I felt a wave of lightness course through my being, like darkness was lifted. And afterwards I had a job to stay awake! It was a fantastic experience and ever since I have felt happier, calmer and more able to deal with life's little problems :)  ~ Sarah ,UK
I've just spent the last month on Michelle's healing energy programme and can honestly say that I am coming out the other side a different person. When I think back to how stressed out / highly strung I was at the start - I'm pleased to say that right now that no longer feels like me.

Having Michelle to turn to with whatever I was experiencing day to day was a real support and comfort. The month has felt like a time of shedding old skin and emerging lighter, freer, happier and more peaceful. Thank you Michelle xx  ~ Nicki , England
Interview with Derek Rydall
Topic: Learn how to live your best life!
Where have you been all my life? I love that you say self-improvement is a oxymoron — I have been living in self-help hell! I can’t begin to tell you how many ‘aha moments’ and ‘Oh my God! moments’ I’ve received from your work! I’m in awe of your wisdom. ~ Leigh Bailey
95% off!
As a professional writer, I consider Derek’s work one of the most valuable resources I have. It has been invaluable in helping me grow personally and believe in the possibility of what I create truly having a higher purpose ~ Erik Bork, 2-time Emmy Award winning writer-producer”, “Band of Brothers”, “From Here to the Moon.”
I was on the verge of bankruptcy, about to lose my home and my company. Derek’s work helped me see and feel that I had everything – and within 14 days, I had a new job, new customers and a lot of work from existing customers. My banker hardly believed his eyes when he looked at my balance sheet!  ~ Lars Rasmussen, Vid & Sans Communication, Denmark
Interview with Anne Deidre
Topic: Your Intuitive Life Makeover-Ignite Your Intuitive Wealth
“ I've had the goose bumps several times during this call. I've personally worked with Anne and she has been such a blessing in my life. And so have you with your teleconference Eram!!” ~ Cheryl from Michigan
83% off!
“I highly recommend Anne Deidre’s new book, Extreme Intuitive Makeover, to anyone on a path of personal growth. I was inspired by Anne’s insights. She speaks and writes about Truth of the highest order. Her 55 keys designed to assist you on your Life Path, along with some potent practical exercises are certain to bring you results. Don’t miss this opportunity to greatly enrich your life.” ~ Peter Calhoun
“The insights that Anne channeled were nothing short of astounding, and the entire experience uplifting and heart opening. As strange as it sounds to me as I write it, I have found a new lightness in my being. Forgiveness – the place to begin to resolve so many of our self-induced limitations. I would recommend Anne to anyone wanting to clear their chakras and find new openness, understanding and peace.” ~ Evelyn, Nashua, New Hampshire
Interview with Hope Fitzgerald
Topic: Awaken, Ascend & Transform: The New Shift on Planet Earth
I can’t believe the results I got! Over $6 million dollars in new opportunities literally fell into my lap during the first 5 days of my Infinity Wave practice! ~ Alex P., Los Angeles
Up to 74% off!
I am BLOWN AWAY by the Infinity Wave system and have been told by my guides this is the NEXT technology in the evolution of things like Ho'oponopono and EFT. The Infinity Wave can move you instantly out of crises and into your soul vision of peace, possibility, abundance and power. We have been using it here at Healing With The Masters for several months with astounding results. Take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity and start using The Infinity Wave to change your world!. ~ Jennifer McLean, Healing with the Masters
I used the Wave all day today…around my car…Coach…customer…managers…I mean, I used it EVERYWHERE today…today was amazing! The nights when I listen to the Infinity Wave..the next day is magical and I mean magical! ~ Much love, Lori
Interview with Larry Crane [Encore]
Topic: What is stopping you from having financial freedom? CLEAR what's in the way so you can have it NOW!
The work that Larry Crane is teaching is a major breakthrough in the field of human behavioural science. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to overcome their health problems and have abundance health with ease. ~ John L. Kemeny, M.D., Columbia Medical School Professor (ret.) and Albert Einstein Associate