Gift #1

Tahira Aziz

Barrier and Echo Healing

This meditation uses a simple and profound method to heal any issue in your life and any ECHO's (your inner child) that needs healing. It is infused with pure, loving and healing energy. Use this meditation to focus on any issue and help to heal it and any ECHO that may need healing

MP3 Download

Gift #2

Juliann Calvey

Guide to Full Enlightenment

15 Minute
This audio contains the energies and the words of Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus the Christ), Lord Buddha, Lord Hanuman and Vishnu, for your acceleration to Full Enlighte- nment, Christed Conscious- ness, being One with the Universe – The All That Is.

MP3 Download

Gift #3

Mary Beth Vanderlinden

Super Manifesting Vortex Booster

With this tool that has been infused with the energies needed to clear and balance your chakra system we will create an upward vortex of energy to raise your frequency of manifestation to the highest frequency for your highest good so you can easily manifest what you desire.

MP3 Download

Gift #4

Lisa Jaya Waters

Frequency for Pain

This 30 minute teleclass is pure frequency facilitation designed to address physical and emotional pain. It's super high frequency that literally pulls the pain out! Very powerful!

MP3 Download

Here's an Extra Bonus for you!


AVOID the blocks that are holding you back from manifesting abundance and ENJOY the feeling of your dreams coming true with this incredibly powerful activation.

All you need to do is help us spread our message of love by Inviting just 5 friends using the form below! It takes only 10 seconds :)

*Invite just 5 friends and get your bonus now*

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I just signed up for something really cool, and I couldn't wait to tell you.

I'll be hearing from over 30 of the world's top healers, empowerment teachers, thought-leaders, and Universal Law masters….right in my living room.

It's the "From Heartache To Joy" Global Telesummit hosted by the amazingly gifted Eram Saeed. She went through a REALLY difficult chapter (actually more like an entire book) and was on the brink of despair.

She miraculously bounced back and healed herself, using the powers of the Laws of Attraction and Immersion, along with other highly effective techniques. And she's sharing her healing discoveries with us.

The Telesummit experience is simply awesome—as you sit at your computer, or listen on the phone, you're overcome by a soothing sense of calm and serenity. Your pathways clear, and your stress and anxiety just seem to vanish...sometimes in even a few short minutes!

I'm amazed that people spend so much money on therapy and drugs, when these genuine healing powers are way more potent. And guess what?

It's completely free! (Though I'd gladly pay top dollar for this.)

There's still room to join—just click here

I get uplifted and inspired just hearing Eram's voice. Not just because of the extraordinary way she overcame 2 divorces, severe financial hardship, and impossible odds, to attain peace, love, and prosperity...

It's because she gets it. She has a firm grasp on life, and how to achieve all the stuff you wish you had. She pierces through issues and gets to the core, so you gain a deep understanding of your problems, and how to solve them.

Plus—she knows how to use the Law of Attraction to achieve your deepest desires—wealth, comfort, romance, and more—just by changing how you think.

Eram's magic, combined with 30 of the most renowned speakers on the planet, are sure to make this Telesummit a life-altering experience. And the best part is—you don't even have to listen live. The recordings are available for 48 hours after the calls take place. (Though frankly, because I love to listen again and again on my Iphone, I plan to download the recordings at a super-discounted price.)

There's still room to join—just click here

The Telesummit includes:

  • FREE LIVE HEALINGS (they normally cost THOUSANDS)
  • Law Of Attraction Masters teaching how we can MANIFEST our greatest desires
  • Eliminating chaos and achieving FLOW toward what we want
  • Keys to unlocking ABUNDANCE, PROSPERITY and PURPOSE in our lives
  • Creating Self Esteem by clearing BLOCKS to WORTHINESS and SELF LOVE
  • And much more

Hope you'll join me by signing up. I'd love to hear your insights about these calls.

Your friend

P.S. Here's what people were saying after Eram's last Telesummit:

"This is the most powerful series I have ever come across. Thank you so much for this incredible work and gift you are sharing with the world. May the universe continue to abundantly bless you."

"I just wanted to thank you personally for doing these tele-summit calls. Like you, I am healing along with these Tele-summits through my soul transformation. Each call brings another layer of healing for me. Amazing! I'm SO very grateful to you for organizing and doing these Tele-summits. I've been with you since last year and will stay with your Tele-summits forever so keep up the good work!" --Suzanne Thibault

"I went from heartache to joy in one phone call today. I cannot express enough gratitude to you and the speaker... I wanted to listen to it as I cannot even explain what happened to me ...Crazy, wow inexplicable. God Bless!" --Florence


The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.


SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.


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