Weekend Special Replay - Most Popular

Replaying this Week

Jean Slatter
Lori Spagna
Morgana Rae
Christel Hughes

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Interview with Jean Slatter
Topic: Learn how to live your best life!
Oh My Goodness. I had thought I knew most of the content - How wrong could I have been! Jean filled in gaps I never even knew I had and brought me so much new information, I feel like I have grown to about 100 times the size I was before. She has helped me take receiving and acting on guidance to a completely new level I now feel I am LIVING it in every moment. ~ Lisa D.
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TQ Advantage supported and deepened what I know to be true. I learned skills to be in touch with my Higher Guidance and expanded my understanding of my purpose. I learned how to remove the obstacles that have been keeping my goals out of reach. ~ Katherine
There is a new explosion of Light and Love energy and this seminar is on the crest of the wave. It will bring out your highest potential. I believe Jean is receiving guidance to fulfill every new level.  ~ Sky
Interview with Lori Spagna
Topic: Awakening, Ascension & Transformation
Hi Lori. Thank you for having us, the experience was amazing. I too felt the changes the very next morning when I woke up. Almost as if the thoughts just bounced off me and corrected themselves, My cousin experienced the same feeling. Love and Light ~ Lisa
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That was an amazing session! I want to give you some initial feedback. The pain that I was feeling in my lower back had disappeared when the reading was over. Dewey and I went for a walk, and he was so darn’ frisky, I could not believe it! Obviously, he’s not only feeling better physically, but mentally too! Thank You, Lori! Incredible, immediate results for sure! Love to and blessings to you. ~ Carol and Dewey
I loved the Manifestation Circle. I learned new tools to bring my intentions and dreams into reality. I felt the energy shift in my body as we did The Theta Healing. I felt so many wonderful sensations. I felt very connected to the power of Divine Energy.  ~ Moira Letzer
Interview with Morgana Rae
Topic: How to Heal Your Relationship with Money (and become Irresistibly Magnetic to Wealth)
Major thanks for your program. It allowed me to take the past year off without financial worries. Giving me plenty of time to decide what I wanted to do with my life. ~ Ann Rusnak
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Not only have I attracted more spontaneity to my life but more money too – $10,000 within 48 hours of our first session! No kidding. Fueled by your solid wisdom and fun approach, I find the new clients and checks continue to show up steadily and I'm having a blast. Thank you Money! Thank you Morgana! ~ Laura Koehne
Last night I listened to Morgana. I have been unemployed for 14 months, used up all of my savings and resources. I have signed up with agencies, filled out so many applications, listened to so many life coaches. I did what she said; found and destroyed my money monster and met my "Money Honey." I felt the love. This morning I went to a job fair, went to an agency, had 2 interviews and only 5 hours later I was offered a good job starting Monday! Thank you, Morgana!  ~ Ruth Leilani Smith
Interview with Christel Hughes
Topic: Get clear and thrive through your Ascension
Thank you so much for the magnificent WPA course. It has been deeply transforming and incredibly informative on all layers and levels of being. I have listened to the calls over and over, and have found each time I listen another aspect comes up to be healed or integrated.  ~ Anna
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Wow! I just wanted to send you a heartfelt thank you for your wonderful work - each class from LUB, SMA, GGM, EMMS, WPA is just amazing...I just feel so grateful as you have not only held us through the process but also taught us to apply these wonderful tools for ourselves. I am learning to fish and no longer feel the need to ask outside of myself. I am also learning to just gratefully receive the coaching and support rather than struggle on alone so I can evolve and help those around me to evolve too. It is an amazing time and I am feeling the changes coming in and thanks to your and others like you, I am able to feel inspired and excited and to trust and let myself create something new that is more aligned to the authentic me. ~ Jane
Every reading withyou is a healing process for me. Every word you say is shifting my energy. There are no words to say how much I am grateful! --- I love you  ~ Vessy