Weekend Special Replay - Most Popular

Replaying this Week

Rhonda Rule
Jeffrey Gignac
Sage Kingsley-Goddard
John Newton
Ximena Velasquez

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Interview with Rhonda Rule
Topic: Disconnect from the Matrix of Efforting to align with the Miraculous YOU of Super Human abilities!
Wow this energy is powerful, tingling all over. The ceiling burst and I feel so relieved and could feel the abundance pouring in. So awesome. Thank you once again. Love & gratitude. ~ Josiane


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Rhonda, Your mp3's are powerful, my body has been singing with joy on listening to your mp3's ~ Josiane
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Eram, thank you so much for bringing these amazing healers! It is so exciting to meet these life changing brilliant people! Rhonda makes me smile inside and out! :) What an uplifting energy she is and has!! ... Rhonda is amazing!!!! I need to get my light shining again... ~ Jamie
I actually got shivers when she was doing the clearing for Jeannette. I really resonated with that one, so awesome. Thank you Rhonda. You are amazing. ~ Kelly
WoW! Amazing, I felt that shift as well! I'm enjoying the call and the insights being delivered too! ~ Steven
Wow I feel amazing a lot of tears and right on with Jeanette I felt the same way wow love love love thank you Xxoo ~ MJ
During that process I was Bawling and sobbing with relief and release. I usually don't bother with live calls but I am glad I was here ~ Janice
I love her energy. I am so grateful she used the term 'punish' because I've been punishing myself with poor health and finances....THANK YOU ~ JAN
OMG! I am connecting to everything you are talking about....I am learning to find my joy as I awaken....Enjoyed this call so much xox ~ Incoming%3
Interview with Jeffrey Gignac
Topic: The Divine Order of Manifestation - How a Near Brush With Death Gave One Man The Ultimate Manifestation
Jeff, I have only been using for a week, and I can feel the effects from the very first use. Very powerful stuff, and I am looking forward to continued positive changes with each use. Well done on an awesome product."  ~ Tim Hyder


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78% off!
Your downloads are amazing! They are awesome! They are amazingly awesome! By far the BEST I have ever seen and heard. I was about ready to fall asleep.I have only listened to two of them, and I already feel supercharged. I cannot wait to listen to and watch ALL of them! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! ~ Rich, (the vertigo guy)
Life Response Frequencies describe in a word: Magic Thank you, David Montero  ~ David Montero
Interview with Sage Kingsley-Goddard
Topic: Channeled Wisdom from Archangel Michael on Pleasure, Happiness, Joy-True Abundance!
Voted #1 Law of Attraction Program On Earth! (or Worldwide)
Sage’s abundance programs are amazing! I highly recommend ALL her programs. Her abundance audios are awesome and her 40-day Prosperity Consciousness immersion in A3 moved abundance energy for me FAST! I DOUBLED MY PERSONAL SAVINGS ACCOUNT -- and then some.  ~ Alexia Schlueter


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Due to popular demand, Sage has graciously extended this special bonus! Even though the 15 bonus spots have been filled. If you are seeing these words, you are guaranteed to get your name on Sage's angel altar and receive the special angelic prayers and Reiki! Sage can only do this for a few more people so if you would like this bonus, you are just in time.
92% off!
Money, money, money - I'm having my best months in YEARS - this month $15,000 and next month already earning $10,000! Money miracle - I did the "Debs & Doubts Releasing Box" exercise on Day 27 and did the Sage version of putting it in an envelope and under bathroom sink. Within 12 hours I got an email I was getting paid back-pay from a company I worked for that had gone out of business, so I was not expecting to get any money from them. My debt was $5812 and the payment coming to me is $5276. Very Cool - Yahoo - money rains down on me everywhere I go! I also love that, since starting this program, I had a dream about my life purpose and I am now super clear about my mission on Planet Earth. Wow! ~ Paul Theobold
Sage is an amazing business and abundance coach and the midwife to my "rebirth"The biggest breakthrough for me has been the opening – and expansion! - of my soulwork therapy business. Since I’ve been working withSage and Archangel Michael, money energy started to come to me miraculously!
My income went in 2 months from 150 to 2600! I went through my GOLDEN PORTAL! And all kinds of opportunities started to manifest.
More clients. More money. Even more publicity!My right livelihood income increased in 1 month by a factor of 11 times more, and the second month, 17 times more income! Sage has served to remind me to go from fear and doubt to remembering my LIGHT, my DIVINITY and fulfilling my PURPOSE on Earth.It feels fantastic to be prospering while doing what I LOVE and reaching more clients! Thank you so much, Sage and Archangel Michael!  ~ LOVE,PRISCILLA YAP, KOTA KINABALU, MALAYS
Interview with John Newton
Topic: Ending Suffering With Ancestral Clearing
I have tried many healers and energy workers. Only John's work was able to remove the causes of emotional negativity I have experienced for 40 years. ~ B.B. Iowa


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33% off!
I suffered from severe back pain for over four decades. All of the orthopedic experts said I would be in this pain for the rest of my life. John helped me clear debris and limiting beliefs and helped me tap into my own body's ability to heal itself from pain and I am pain free today. ~ E. K. Fmr NASA scientist
The swelling, in my breasts, armpits (lymphatic), and my multiple breast lumps have all completely vanished. I used to wake up in the night and feel the pain, now I wake up often to feel a sweet hum. Thank you John. ~ Brenda, Vancouver, BC
Interview with Ximena Velasquez
Topic: Dissolve Past Life Karmic Patterns Now!


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………During the session, I ended up telling her that my husband and I were trying to get pregnant and although everything was fine according to the doctors I still wasn't pregnant…….After a couple of sessions, I got PREGNANT!!! Thank you, X! ~ PT (Potomac, MD)
My business and I were struggling financially. After a session with Ximena I realized I needed to really sit down and see if I wanted to continue with the family business although it wasn't fun for me. At the end, I hired people to do the daily run of the business and I keep tabs on it and I was able to start a business line that I enjoy immensely. Both business are profitable. I'm glad I attended Ximena's session. ~ PJ (Plano, TX)
Being a newly single woman, I needed the encouragement to feel sexy and attractive to men. I felt awkward going on dates until I had a session with Ximena. We worked through some confidence issues and she gives me that extra boost to feel sexy before I go on a date. So far things are looking good! Thank you, Ximena! ~ Cathy (Bethesda, MD)
After my 11/2013 money workshop I got $20K and my bank accounts increased by 40% from the last quarter and 87% from the same time last year! After the 6/2013 money workshop an investment I made returned me over 400%... ~ Ximena (MD)
Ximena'steleclass in relationships was helpful in me opening my eyes to what my relationship truly lacked. My partner and I are in a better place now and continue to practice with the tools Ximena taught us ~ Ann (Potomac, MD)


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